Signs Your AC Condenser Fan Blades Might Need To Be Replaced And How It's Done

The fan blades in your AC condenser are simple parts, but if they are damaged or not balanced, they can create problems. Fortunately, replacing condenser fan blades is fairly easy to repair as long as repairs are done promptly. Running the AC with bad blades could wear out the motor and lead to more costly repairs. Here are signs of a bad fan blade in your AC condenser and how to get it repaired. [Read More]

When Your Home Isn't Warm, What Should You Do?

It can be a scary feeling if you come home to a cold house in the middle of winter or wake up in the middle of the night freezing cold. When it's the middle of winter, it isn't just your heat that can stop working, you could also end up with other issues due to the heat loss, including frozen pipes or mold or mildew growth. If you end up with a problem with your home not getting or staying warm, there are a few things you can do before you call an HVAC company. [Read More]

3 Ways To Save Money On Your New Home's HVAC System

If you're building a new home, you might not be giving much thought to your HVAC system. Although it may not be the most exciting part of the home building process, it will contribute significantly to your home's year-round comfort. Unfortunately, your HVAC equipment can also add a big chunk of change to your final bill. Although there's no escaping the cost of a quality HVAC system installation, there are steps you can take to save money both now and in the future. [Read More]

Three Signs Of An AC Coolant Leak

Most people don't give the refrigerant in their AC units any thought, which makes sense because the refrigerant is supposed to be in a closed system that doesn't require maintenance. Unfortunately, sometimes leaks do occur. The following are three signs that your AC unit may have a coolant leak. 1. Hissing Noises You likely won't notice a refrigerant leak because it evaporates into the air — there won't be any visible puddles or residue in your unit. [Read More]